From Caracas to Copenhagen, is Denmark the place for our summer-loving Venezuelan?

October 17, 2022

If you’re willing to go that extra mile, - or in Daniela’s case 5300 miles to pursue your passion and get your dream job in the IT industry. Then you may find her story interesting. Or maybe you’d just like to learn more about the great person that is one of our account managers here at Shape Games.

Going against the grain of her family profession, with Engineering and development jobs being the way to go, Daniela decided she wanted to take a role in the social and marketing side of the industry. Despite moving to Denmark to study for her master’s in business administration, Daniela still has very fond memories of the university in Venezuela. “I think the universities in Venezuela are very hands-on and practical. Most of my teachers were working in big companies like Pepsi, Coca-cola or consultancy businesses”

Daniela Figueira

Bringing theory to reality
“For me, it was a big challenge, in the Danish university where I studied everything is about theory, and then implementing it into reality. I’m satisfied because I acquired more analytical skills that I think were missing before.” Growing up with five siblings, Daniela quickly learned how to get along with all different types of people, she still manages to keep in touch with all of them, especially her sister whose path she followed in moving to Copenhagen.

But is her sister the only reason Daniela likes Copenhagen?
No. “I find it is peaceful coming from a crazy country, I wanted to focus on progressing towards my goals rather than just trying to survive and dealing with all the problems a country like Venezuela currently has. I’m really in love with this city.”

Daniela Figueira at Shape Games office

Cooking Arepas and spending time with friends
“I really enjoy trying out different outdoor activities and sports, and I also give space to creativity through cooking (all types of cuisines) and handcrafts. I always prioritise spending time with my fiancé, family and friends - there’s always room for it even in the busiest days. And last but not least, I very much enjoy traveling, it is the way to my heart..”

A fresh beginning, first impressions…
From the very start, she felt very welcome and well taken care of. “You feel like a part of the team straight from the beginning, I think it’s very important that people are willing to help and are open to answer questions, even when they’re busy.”

House vs Home
Despite moving across the world and seeing all kinds of new and different places, for Daniela, there’s still no place like home. “For my last holiday I went to Venezuela, it’s a dream place and I love it, it’s warm all year long, we don’t have seasons, only summer. I really miss that here in Denmark.”

Daniela Figueira with team at SBC Awards

Growing… A lot
“I think people should join Shape Games because they’re going to learn a lot while having fun. We have more than 29 nationalities here so there’s an international environment in the company. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, so you do learn from your colleagues.”

Daniela’s team is still growing. If you’d like to be a part of it we are looking for iOS Developers → among other positions. Check all of them out here →.

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